Let’s learn about and search for one of the coolest creatures we often find in the garden: worms!

There are many species of worms found around the world, but today we will be focusing on the most common worm we have here in Colorado, which are called nightcrawlers. Interestingly, no worms are native to Colorado, but nightcrawlers are “naturalized” here which means they have been here for many years and have adapted well to the local climate.

Worms are very important to the health of soil and plants as they break down plant material and improve the soil health and texture with their castings! They have a front and back parts called the “anterior” and “posterior” sections, segmented body parts in between, and a larger band called a “clitellum” closer to the mouth or anterior end. They live underground and prefer moist, cool and dark environments. See if you can find some worms in your backyard by carefully digging up some soil or peeking under rocks or wood. Using a magnifying glass or just your eyes, see if you can spot the different parts of the worm! When you do find some worms, remember to use an open palm when holding them to keep them safe, and return them to their original environment when you are done observing them.