
School Day Off Classes

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Set your sights high on 2025! Join us in embracing earth stewardship as we explore the outdoors through cooking, science, and thoughtful observation. We’ll uncover the secrets of critters who hibernate during this snowy season and track the movements of animals braving the cold. Plus, spend time with our lively goat herd—watching their playful antics, learning about their care, and discovering how they thrive through winter. Create cozy, wintery crafts, and warm up with hearty, homemade soup! Each day will be packed with engaging games, hands-on activities, and outdoor adventures to spark curiosity and connection with nature.

Click HERE to register.

*Please note – Children’s Peace Garden program registration opens on Thursday, December 12th at 9:00am. You will not be able to access the CampMinder portal to register before that time.


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