As our herd grows, we will begin offering some of our goat kids for sale to good homes this spring.
Breeds Available:
Purebred Alpines
Purebred Nubians
Lamancha/Alpine cross
Nigerian Dwarf/Alpine cross

Does - Pricing
Unregistered/Crossbreed: $250
Pure: $350

Bucklings - Pricing
Unregistered/Crossbreed: $150
Pure: $250
Additional Information:
Goat kids are hand-raised and of premium dairy goat stock. The herd is free of CL, CAE, and Johnes and tested for these annually.
Strong milking lines from Capering Goat Dairy, Harmody Alpines, Just In Time Farm, Little Eden Farm, and Rancho-Snowfall. Our does produce an average of 1 gallon per day and we breed for high milk production, hardiness to Colorado climate, and sweet temperament.
We require a $75 deposit per goat kid. Kids are born in March, and most will be ready to leave the farm at the end of August. We sometimes have additional kids available in April for individuals who are able to bottle-feed, or in June once they are fully weaned.
We will disbud (unless you have made a hold deposit and request that we do not) and vaccinate all goats with CD/T. Bucklings will be surgically neutered (unless you have made a hold deposit and request that we do not).
Would you like to reserve a goat kid or discuss how to meet your herd goals?
Email Katelyn Toppel at